AL-PAK Labor

Welcome to AL PAK LABOR.

We’re the staffing and employment service for the Braga Ranch family of companies—including A.S.A. Organics, Sebastian Harvesting, and Valley Farm Application.

The Braga family has farmed the Salinas Valley since the 1920s. For over three generations and counting we’ve been at the forefront of the fresh produce industry—growing, packing and shipping the highest quality fresh vegetables all over the world. Our operations now include year-round farming in both the Monterey County, California and El Centro, California and Yuma, Arizona areas. At the peak of the growing season, we’ll have more than 500 employees working with us.

We’re always looking for people who share our common values of integrity, honesty and dedication to sustainability, along with a strong work ethic and pride in a job well done.

Interested in working for AL PAK LABOR? Check out our employment page where you can find our open positions, or contact us if you have further questions and need more information.

Employment Opportunities

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